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HOWL-O-WEEN Dog Races Registration

Join us for our third annual HOWL-OWEEN Races!

Saturday's HOWL-O-WEEN race is open to all breeds 30 pounds or smaller for a fun, friendly race.

Sunday's HOWL-O-WEENIE race is open to all Dachshunds for a fun, friendly race.

Our fast and furry contestants will be lined up at the starting line to then race across our finish line for a chance to win local dog treat prizes. Dog (and human) costumes are strongly encouraged. Races kick off at 2 p.m. both days.

Dogs must be on-site no later than 1:30 p.m. Race kicks off at 2:00 p.m. on October 19th and 20th, 2024. Choose to participate in one or both days!

All Dogs (purebred or mixed breed) need to be registered. Registration forms can be obtained online or onsite
  • Dog must weigh 30 lbs or less.
  • Will need to show proof of veterinary shot records for all participating dogs at the registration booth. We need to see them but do not need copies.
  • Waivers will be available at check-in/registration booth and must be signed to be able to participate in the races.
  • Owners may not throw balls to encourage their dog(s) to run faster. You may bounce the ball ONLY! No loud devices or anything that may be distracting to other dogs or owners.
  • You may NOT run alongside the dog(s).
  • We reserve the right to disqualify any pet/owner for behavior deemed inappropriate.
  • All Judge's decisions are final.
  • Owners must agree to and adhere to ALL Terms and Conditions.

Hallo-weenie Dog Information

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I agree to the terms and conditions
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